Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Sew good :)

My weekend sewing project. Some gorgeous organic material from the lovely Talie over at Enchanted Fabrics

Two cutesy little skirts for two cutesy little pixies.

I think the chicken material is my favourite.

Although my mammy DID heavily supervise my sewing on her machine :)

Do you remember this book?

It was one of my favourites when I was small and now the Big Pixie and me are reading it. Such innocence in these stories. Hurrah for warm family life with lashings of custard!

And our veg patch is blooming nicely.

Just on to my next craft project, which contrary to Shaz's suggestion, will NOT be a crochet willy warmer for hubby :)


Shazronnie said...

Fab skirts, but I do think you are mean not to make a willy warmer :(

Emma said...

Oo, love the lovely, lovely skirts. I just made bunting with coaching from my mum. Moving on to cushion covers next, then maybe some lovely skirts too?

TheGreenMama said...

Lovely skirts, I want the chicken one for myself! I really need to learn how to sew xx

Talie said...

The skirts look fabby you clever mama! Been trying to get the tutorial I've done to upload but I'm having a hellish time with Blogger and Mr.Site at the moment. Thought chrome had sorted it all but hey ho.

Thank you for linking to my website :)