Sunday, 24 October 2010

Beautiful toys? Oh no no no...

Beautiful hand-made cradle, crafted lovingly by Grandad Bob, and organic soft Fair Trade dolly?

Oh no no no, I much prefer...

A nappy bag full of poopy eco 'sposie or...

Just a nappy sack to carry my treasures around in.

Lovely wicker treasure baskets and hand-knitted bags are not good enough for me, don't you know. I'm all about the nappy sacks I'm afraid, much to my mammy's chagrin :)

But because my mammy says we do something called autonomous learning, she says it's ok and I can quite happily continue to be a kleptomaniac around the house and collect treasures in my nappy sack.

Oh, if you're wondering where your keys are...I probably have them in my nappy sack.


Roof said...

OMG - that is SUCH a familiar tale! Eve is sucha magpie we went through a stage where I had to frisk her as we left shops and people's houses...!

Shazronnie said...

That is such a fab post!

Danigirl said...

LOL Very funny, I know exactly that experience! Both mine "collect" things - Izzy is a magpie and goes for shiny and Meg likes buttons, tiny pom poms etc!!!!

Claire said...

We have had the nappy bag thing too when we have the occasional disposable nappy. Woe betide anyone who tries to take a full nappy sack away from DD!

Scented Sweetpeas said...

I so love looking in my little ones bags of treasure to see what she has found, such a fun world they live in :-)

Dotty Delightful said...

Oh she is adorable, I want to kiss her little cheeks!, so cute outfits too, see you soon little pixie girl xxx

Miss Bliss said...

Ha ha - glad I'm not the only mammy with a klepto baby! She loves the pretty things. She is currently perched cross-legged on the sofa, with her Weetabix-encrusted Frugi baby grow on and her sister's headband on, cuddling her dolly (non-organic, high plastic/shite content). I bloody love her! x

Pippa said...

Hahahaha, so glad that this happens to others too! I sometime wonder if the lovely wooden toys I've bought were actually for my benefit!

Natalie said...

LOL. I don't think our eldest DD ever played with a 'toy' as such. Even now she has a collection of TicTac boxes, shoe boxes and the plastic strips from round the top of milk bottles under her bed!

Emma said...

Ha - that's brilliant. Made me smile x