Busy few weeks over here, but nice and quiet if you understand. It's been so flippin' cold, we have rarely ventured outside, other than play-dates and HE activities.
We've had some lovely friends to visit and play and eat and be merry.
We've had lots of reading and studious-type activity.
And painting over here
Some of my old books I have dug out of my folks' bookshelves for the Big Pixie to read. I do so love the original Ladybird books and seem to have passed on that love to the Pixies. One likes to read and be read to. The other likes to just carry them around. And lick them sometimes. Nice.
One of our ongoing projects is Classical Music. The Big Pixie has a passion for music in any form, but loves the classical compositions. I'd like to think my playing classical piano to her in the womb helped, but maybe that's wishful thinking!
This book and CD is fab and highly-recommended and I have pinched it regularly from their work room for my car CD player :)
I can smell Spring in the air a little more each week. That gorgeous man of mine has been preparing our veggie patch in anticipation of this cold weather feckin' off and being replaced with some warm days
I know, it looks like a burial site for the latest person to piss me off, but this is where our new patch will be. Hopefully going to empty the compost bin (more like a wormery) in the next few weeks to reveal a nitrogen-rich fertilizer (fingers crossed) from all the hen poop we have composted.
Then I can get on with resurrecting my herb garden, that the Winter King has taken (actually, it's just my bad gardenmanship that's buggered them up).
Rubes - I have some feverfew for you honey.
What jobs have you all been managing to get out of the way?