Wednesday, 7 January 2009

A snuggle of cuteness

Pixie woke at about 07.00hrs this morning - faaaaaar too early for one tired Mummy. Turns out she just wanted a cuddle in Mummy's bed (Daddy had already departed for work - yay, more room for me!).

I said: "Sshhh. No talking, we'll just have a cuddle and go back to sleep!" in the hope that she would drop off.

She wedged herself right up against me and wrapped her arms around my neck, flippin' icy-cold feet pressed on my legs, the monkey.

After two rounds of 'When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney' a wonderful snoring noise could be heard and I drifted back off, being cuddled and snuggled.

09.00hrs was a much better time to wake up, especially to a beautiful smile from a most beautiful little girl.

1 comment:

Cut&Alter said...

Just got back online over here in NZ and caught up with your blog! Love this post - unfortunately my two little ones will no longer drift back off to sleep. This morning we had a conversation about going into the clouds, how we'd get there, what we needed etc and Maia decided she need a caravan and pogo stick! x