Monday, 29 November 2010


Because, quite frankly, I have nothing to say!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Padded notice board

A padded notice board for our girls' new play/school room.

Made with some reclaimed wood, material, vintage buttons, ribbon, fleece blanket, old drawing tacks and a staple gun. I so had fun with the staple gun :)

Mod Podged fleece blanket underneath the material, and then stapled at the back tightly.

Wang a few ribbons in a criss-cross...apparently you can measure these accurately with a ruler. Obviously not my kind of style...

Ooohhhh pretty buttons...

Ta da!

Now, a wall hanging for their room. 

A little bit of "borrowed" wallpaper from B & Q and a reclaimed shelf panel...

Stapley stapley...

Cool eh?

And their two antique ladies' chairs for their room. £30 for the pair. My husband is also a bargaintastic fella. (I dyed the curtains in the background from gold to lime green. The colour is fab).

And I'm spent. Far too much craftyness for one evening and now I must scrape the Mod Podge from the floor and remove the odd staple that I missed the wood with. Apparently, safety glasses are also recommended for the usage of the staple gun.

Off for a lovely 2 week holiday so enjoy your cake, drink tea and be happy. That's all.
